The Art of War

That's quite a statement,
if that's what they wanted to make.

Think it has to do
with the Chinese conference in town?

"Although these refugees
were housed in Hong Kong. . .

. . .they were under the supervision
of UN officers.

You talk of human rights.
Three miles from here, sweatshops.

A mile from here, homeless people
living in doorways.

Yet you lecture my country...
...on our human rights record. "
Chinese Ambassador Jian Tze Wu.
In two days, China signs
a UN trade agreement. . .

. . .ending 50 years of isolation. . .
. . .not only culturally,
but commercially. . .

. . .opening the door
to 1 .5 billion new consumers.

You think Ambassador Wu is connected
to the dead refugees from the boat?

I have my suspicions.
Before becoming UN ambassador, he was
responsible for refugee resettlement.

Here he is meeting with a group
of men tied to various Triad concerns.

Human smugglers. Slave traders.
Exactly. My instinct tells me
something's lurking under the surface.

You always think that.
Tonight, David Chan is hosting
a banquet honoring Ambassador Wu.

You want me to put a wire on Wu?
If you're ready. How's the shoulder?
-Technically? Fucked up.
-There she is. Eleanor!

I've been looking for you everywhere.
