No, you don't.
No, you're right.
I don't.
That's better!
It was the beach...
you understand?
The beach?
It was too...
beautiful, too much input,
too much...sensation.
I tried to keep it
under control,
but it just
keeps spilling out
and spilling out
and spilling out.
You see, um...
she's on an island...
and that island is...
is perfect. I mean...
I mean real perfection,
you know?
I'm not just talkin' about...
"Oh, that's nice".
It's the real
fucking deal, okay?
It's just like a...
a lagoon, you know,
A tidal lagoon
that's sealed in
by cliffs,
totally fuckin' secret,
totally fuckin'...
And nobody can ever,
ever, ever, ever go there.
But a few people went...
once upon a time...
men and women with ideals,
you understand?
I'm not just talkin'
about the usual travelin',
fucking wanks.
Do you believe
in that place?
But I guess
you're gonna tell me
that I should, right?
It doesn't even fucking matter
what I think anymore.
It's up toyou.
ideals, eh?
We were just
fucking parasites!
The big, chunky charlie!
See, I was the one that
was tryin' to find the cure.