The Beach

One... she's
just teasing you.

What are you
talking about?

2... you don't
speak french.

3... he speaks French.
In fact, even
better than that...

4... he is French.
5... he's much better
at football...

sorry, sorry...
soccer than you.
and 6... you're
a bit strange, rich.

Some girls
like that in a man,

but not usually
the sort of girls

you want to be with.
is that right?
Come on. Your last
girlfriend chucked you.

There must've
been a reason.

it was not my fault.

And 7... look at, look
at your thumbs, man.

They're well defined.
What is that
supposed to mean?

You play
a lot of video games.

That is a powerful index
of incompatibility.

Well, why do i
get the feeling

like you're trying to tell
me something here, Keaty?

You haven't a hope,

not a bleeding chicken's
chance in Thailand.

Know what I mean?
Thank you.
So, enjoy the beach
and cut the bullshit.

Thank you very much.
It's my pleasure.
No. no.
You, no.

You cannot... no. No! No.
Please leave me.
Leave me!

that's my bed.

I can
deal with it.

I don't wantyou
to deal with it!

It won't take
a minute, Gregorio.

No! Really, no.
No. I must
go to mainland!

I'm sick.
I've got to. Sal!

What's this?
You want to go to the mainland
to see a dentist?

It's out of the question.
Come on.
it'll be fun.

I'll be the nurse.
It won't hurt. Be brave.
