The Boondock Saints

Any body you think is evil?
Don't you think
that's a little weird, a little psycho?

Do you know what I think
is psycho, Roc?

It's decent men
with loving families.

They go home
every day after work,
and they turn on the news.

You know what they see?
They see rapists...

and murderers
and child molesters.

They're all gettin'
out ofprison.

gettin' caught
with 20 kilos...

gettin' out on bail
the same fuckin' day.

And everywhere,
everyone thinks the same thing--

that someone should just
go kill those motherfuckers.

Kill 'em all.
Admit it.

Even you've thought about it.
You guys should be
in every major city.

This is some heavy shit.
This is like
"Lone Ranger'' heavy, man.

Fuck it!
There's so much shit
that pisses me off!.

You guys should recruit, 'cause
I'm sick and fuckin' tired...

of walkin' down the street
wait in' for one of these crack-pipin',

ass-wipin', motherless
low lifes to get me!

Hallelujah, Jaffar.
So you're not just talkin'
about mob guys, right?

You're talkin' about pimps
and drug dealers
and all that shit, right?

Oh, yeah.
Fuck. You guys could
do this every goddamn day.

We're sort oflike 7-Eleven.
We're not always doin' business,
but we're always open.

- Mmm. That is nicely put.
- Thank you very much.

I will fuck you up, dude.
So then we go right through
the fuckin' ceiling like this--
