The Boondock Saints

- You know them personally?
- Yes.

Would they ever harm an innocent
person, for any reason?

No. They would never do that.
Well, the two
Irish guys wouldn't.

The Italian guy, he might.
He's kind of an idiot.

I'm beginning to see.
All the things
I wish I could do,

these guys are doing.
W-W-What should I do?
Because I am a man...
who's supposed
to uphold the law.

The laws of God...
are higher...

than the laws... ofman.
Yes, I-I was thinking that too.
No, no. I was feeling it.

All I needed
was to hear you say it.

Amen. I will help them.
- Forgive me, Father.
- Thank you, Father.

Amen. Good-bye.
Now listen.
Um, "dominus ominus, ''you know.

And remember, you're bound.
You can't talk to anyone
about this. No one.

-Just get out of the church.
- Okay.

Just get out of the church!
The Lord works
in mysterious ways.

What the fuck's
that supposed to mean?

- That's all you can give me?
- The light hit the side
ofhis face.

Looked like he had a gray beard.
Maybe late '50s, early '60s.

So you're telling me
it was one guy with six guns,

and he was
a senior freakin' citizen?

Yeah, and it's better
ifwe fnd this man
before he finds us again.

I'll see what I can do.
How do I get in touch with you?

We'll hit Pappa Joe tonight,
right in the comfort
of his own home.
