No, no, no.
You definitely gotta
run that by Nicky Black.
Oh, yeah. Definitely.
Tell him we want paid sick days,
2 weeks vacation, and, uh...
oh, time and a half
if we whack somebody
after regular business hours.
Bats, don't--don't bust my balls.
Oh, and dental. Right, Mouth?
Joey: Yeah. Dental. Absolutely.
Definitely gotta have
a good dental plan.
Yeah. Nicky'll kick
your teeth in
and say, "There's your
friggin' dental plan."
For-forget about it.
I was just talkin'.
[ Loud Thumping ]
Aw, what the--
Joey: Pull over. Pull over.
All right, all right.
Jimmy Whistles.
You ready to talk now?
[ Muffled Scream ]
[ Muffled Screaming ]
Bobby: So where's the truck gonna be?
[ Whistling ]
The Pulaski Skyway, exit 77.
Jimmy: 77.
Let's get him outta here.
Aw, jeez, Jimmy.
You need to lay off
the meatball sandwiches.
Let him walk home.
Hey, any of youse guys
working for Calabrese
interested in unionizing?
[ Big Rig Horn Honks ]
What the hell?
Bobby: We were friends for
as long as I can remember.
And from the time we were kids,
the only thing we ever
really wanted to do
was become wiseguys
and be part of the same crew.
Sometimes... dreams come true.
Time for work.
Let's punch in.
Driver: Base, this is truck 23.
I got an abandoned truck out here.
There seems to--
Joey: Hey, pal. Uh-oh!
[ Trigger Cocks ]
Bobby: Joey Pistella.
How's it goin'?
Bobby: Nobody messed with Joey.