You guys aren't
staying here, are you?
Well, you know, there
aren't a lot of options
for guys our age.
The landlord said
he'd cut our rent in half.
He'll give us each $1,000
if we sign long-term leases,
so, you know...
Well, you take good care
of yourselves.
[ Kisses ]
Woman: And if there's
anything I can do...
Ernie Andrews:
'Cause I know what's ailin' me
[ Kisses ]
I don't need no doctor
No, no
'Cause I know what's ailin' me
I've been too long away
from my baby
Now I'm comin' down
with misery
I got a feeling
I ain't had in a long time.
I don't need no bottle
Yeah, in about 15 years.
Heh heh heh.
What about you?
For my prescription to be filled
I don't need no--
Yep. Something had been awakened
in all of us.
And I'm not just
talking about, you know--
It was more than that.
After years of rotting away
in demeaning, go-nowhere jobs
and spending our entire free time
living in the past,
we were wiseguys again.
I gotta tell you,
it felt great.
Hey, how about a B-10?
James Brown:
Paid the cost of bein' born
Bein' born
I paid the cost
of bein' born
We have a G-46.
Let's get lucky.
Here comes a good one.
6, 6, 6, 6, 6.
Man: This is N-46.
[ Cheering ]
Told you so
Brick: Hey, Bobby, how about
another round of Slurpees?