You seem tense.
Jorge and Escobar.
I couldn't trust them
anymore, so...
take a long look.
If you lose my trust,
this... is your fate.
[ Rope Snaps ]
[ Snickering ]
Who tied that knot?
It was me.
I tied the knot.
You can't tie a knot?
You see, this is
why everything is so--
It all starts with a knot!
Do you know what I am?
A cliche.
The Latin Mob boss.
Do you know
what happens to cliches?
Put your hand down, Miguel.
They die... only to be
replaced by something new.
I have more security around me
than the president
of the goddamn
United frickin' States!
And still--
The shipment.
Muy importante.
Whoever this is who is after me,
they know about the shipment,
and they think they can
take it from me.
That is why I want
extra men on the dock
to help unload.
In the meantime...
[ Snaps Fingers ]
a hundred thousand dollars.
To the man who
brings me the head of...
of whoever's doing this to me.
What is it, Miguel?
The actual head?