The Family Man

So, when are you gonna leave
that old corpse, Mr. Peterson,
and run away with me ?

You know you could never
satisfy me the way he does.

[ Elevator Bell Dings ]

Merry Christmas,
Mr. Campbell.

How'd you make out
this year, Tony ?

About four grand,
and a bottle of 25-year-old
Scotch from 9D.

I'm putting it all in
commercial paper like you said.

Good, but just until
the deutsche mark turns.

- Thank you, Mr. Campbell.
- All right.

Good morning, Joe.
Merry Christmas, sir.

Campbell wants
these available.
Thanks, Adelle.

Better you than me.
If Med Tech shares fall
any lower than 43,

we're in trouble
with the stock valuations.

So for God's sake,
please watch what you say
to your institutional customers.

We still have almost a full day
of trading before zero hour,
and I don't want any trouble.

[ Sighs ]
A penny for
your thoughts, Alan.

Hmm ? Oh, God, I'm sorry.
Jack, I was thinking about,
you know, Dee and the kids.

I promised
I'd be home for dinner.
It's Christmas eve, Jack.

- Oh, is that tonight ?
- [ Polite Laughter ]

You think I like being
here on Christmas eve, Alan ?
