The Patriot

...must not be accorded inappropriate
levels of hostile attention.

To your mind, what are appropriate
levels of hostile attention?

lmagine the chaos that would follow...
...from leaderless armies
having at each other.

There must be gentlemen in command
to lead...

...and, where necessary,
restrain their men.

Restrain them from, say, targeting
civilians. Women, children and such.

That`s a separate issue.
No. l consider them linked.
And as long as your soldiers
attack civilians...

...l will order the shooting
of officers at every engagement.

And my men are excellent marksmen.
Very well.
-Now, let us move on to--
-Prisoner exchange.

You have 1 8 of my men.
l want them back.

l do have 1 8 criminals
under sentence of death...

...but l hold no prisoners of war.
lf that`s your position,
1 8 of your officers will have to die.

Nineteen, if you hang me with my men.
My officers?
Top of the ridge, to your left.
Below the tree line.
