The Patriot

Anne Patricia Howard...
...will you have this man to be
your husband to live in marriage?

Will you love, comfort
and honor him...

...for so long as you both shall live?
l will.
Gabriel Edward Martin, will you have
this woman to be your wife...

:34:24 live together
in the covenant of marriage?

Will you love, comfort and honor her
as long as you both shall live?

l will.
Then by the power vested in me
by our mutual faith...

:34:38 the Lord, our God...
...l now pronounce you man and wife.
l`m sorry we didn`t give you
more warning.

lt`s fine.
l have something for you.
lt belonged to Gabriel`s mother.
lt`s beautiful.
Allow me.
lt`s the North Star.
That`s the only star in the sky
that never moves.

lt`s constant, unwavering.
A guide.
l`d be honored.
