Well, look at this. Tommy Dagget
actually lit by the light of morning.
What am I doin' here, Burrows? I work
nights. It's not even my division.
Well, we'll get to that.
Our friend here did a
half-gainer from the fourth floor.
Not unless he decided not to bother
opening the window first.
Was he fucked up or what?
Well, he wasn't exactly in condition
to walk a chalk line when we got here.
You're welcome to smell his breath,
if you like.
He is missing
one or two things, though.
- What's that?
- His eyes.
Maybe they're stuck
in the radiator grill.
Who's the room registered under?
- John Smith.
- Anything interesting inside?
Well, there are what an experienced
detective like yourself...
could possibly construe
as signs of a struggle.
Of course, nobody saw
or heard anything.
- Place been dusted?
- Yeah. Nothing.
Kinda weird, huh,
somebody carrying that around?
That's why Lieutenant Deason
had me call you down on this.
Any ideas what it's doin' here?
"For it was there at Nicene...
"that the world's
fourth-century bishops...
"declared that with the sacrifice
of God's Son man became one with God,
"for the first time
lifted above all other creations...
"to stand at His side
in Heaven."
You been holdin' out on me.
I never knew you could read and write.
That measures eight feet.