And He spoke into being
the sun, the moon and the stars.
And then the Earth,
its oceans and its beasts.
And finally He spoke into being
His masterpiece:
And we were His children
to love, keep and protect.
Placed above all others, we were
His most cherished creation,
most beloved on Earth
and in Heaven.
This was the Word as it
was spoken to the prophets,
and then it was
handed down to us.
The Word of God
our Father in Heaven.
And a thousand generations
found shelter in that Word.
So here we are tonight,
the Word
become flesh and blood.
Our flesh and blood.
But I got news.
The Lord, He didn't keep his Word.
No. He backed out on it.
He abandoned His kids a long time ago,
and He ain't payin' child support.
- Am I right, Maggie?
- You got that right, preacher boy.
Brothers and sisters,
our Father is a deadbeat dad!
Amen to that.
That's right. And we can all
forget about the "divine plan, "
because there
is no divine plan.
It's a blind universe
out there, friends.
Our lives are nothing but
a chain of unrelated accidents.
- Get used to it!
- Get used to it!
Bad things happen to good people
for no reason. Get used to it.
Get used to it!
Good things, they happen to bad people
for no reason. Get used to it!
- Get used to it!
- Say it again!
- I can't hear you!
- Get used to it!
- Do you want salvation?
- We want salvation!