I'm wondering if you could help me.
I have a friend...
and she got herself
in a bit of a situation.
And I was wondering if maybe
she might've been in to see you?
We have a very
broad-based clientele, sir.
If this was her, um...
- Claim check.
- Exactly. Claim check.
If this was her
claim check,
could you find her name
and where she lives...
in that, uh,
whatever it is?
- Of course.
- Exactly.
This laundry's already been picked up.
So I can't give
that information out.
- Oh, she wouldn't mind. We're family.
- You just said you were friends.
Caught me. Very good. Martin.
Don't ask me how I know.
Your head.
It hurts here, or it hurts here?
- Here.
- Mm-hmm.
And your belly... la panza...
it hurts up here...
or down here?
Kind of... here.
Well, I'm making
you some eggs.
No, the cereal was
just fine. Thanks.
But you love eggs.
I'm making you eggs.
Nana, gross.
No eggs.