At my house.
Can I ask you something?
What are my chances?
Be honest.
I don't know.
But stay here.
He won't kill you in a church.
Respond to Trinity Church,
2222 Westin. Silent alarm tripped.
All available units.
All available units.
- Please respond.
- Wow. That's where I'd take her.
I love this thing.
Come on.
- Come on. Come on.
- 2222 Westin. Trinity Church.
Dispatch, this is 1-Adam-19.
Responding to the call
at Trinity Church.
Roger that, 1-Adam-19.
As soon as the coroner's through.
- Can I get an I.D. on her?
- Yeah. It's Rosales.
Nina Rosales.
- Sir, please go to the other side of the...
- Shh.
- It's okay.
- You wanna help me out here? Thanks.