I'm doing you a favor.
What did Danyael
tell you...
about your rug rat?
1- Adam-9.
Units 20 and 30 are responding.
5- Lincoln-22.
Report to Vermont and Sunset, code 9.
We've been through this before.
My kind, your kind.
It's not a good mix.
The power of an angel.
The free will
of a human.
The mothers love it
at first...
until the birth.
I've seen women rip themselves open
trying to get these things out...
'cause they knew they were
carrying bad kids, Val.
Nobody liked them,
not even you-know-who.
It took a big flood...
to get rid of them.
So, since you're here...
Wanna Confess? Say you're sorry.
- Drop it!
- Drop the weapon!
Help me! Help me!
Drop it right there!