-So he's lost weight?
-Sumo wrestler
Expert at pushing people around
That's what pass blocking is, remember?
That's right
Next one, 74 Come on!
Set, hut!
All right! Way to go!
It's all about pushing people around!
Set! Hut!
Come on, sumo boy
Let's see what you can do
Set Hut!
yes! Good hit, sumo boy!
Now get this off of me!
''That'll do, pig, that'll do''
-Screw you, cockroach
-you'll have to find your dick first
Get this off of me!
Hey, scab!
-I don't want any trouble
-you hear that?
He's taking away my job, but
he doesn't want any trouble
Not only is he taking your job,
he's taking your parking space too
What's up?
Is that right, Falco?
I didn't know it was yours
I'll move it
No, let us do that
Guys, move the new boy's ride for him
Coming right up, Mr Falco
One Two Three
Thanks, guys
Jesus! ''Footsteps'' Falco
They must be getting desperate
Hey, Falco!
you're not even a has-been!
you're a never-was!