Get the ball!
I got it!
Now that is all-Madden team!
-you're the man
-I'm the man!
-you got me the ball
-I got you the ball!
-Go sit down now, Danny
Number 56 recovers the ball.
We gotta pass
It's gotta be in the end zone
DC Right, Zig, 90 Eagle
you can do this
All right? Let's do it! Come on!
-Blue, 25!
-Here comes the pain, baby!
Blue, 25!
-What are you doing?
Black 32!
-He's changing the play
He's checking off the run
It's a pass!
Falco calls an audible
at the line of scrimmage...
...and Cochran almost has a touchdown!
Heartbreaker for Washington.