Mr. McNamara ?
Um, well, actually,
I believe that it's
both, sir.
How can it be both ?
It's been my experience...
that merit is
rewarded with wealth,
and with wealth comes class.
Nice recovery,
Mr. McNamara.
[Students Chuckling]
Nice car, ladies.
Tell me, when did
you convert ?
Since we borrowed it yesterday,
as if you give a shit.
Like you give a shit, man.
I don't believe you , man.
I want you to
keep stealing cars.
When I'm a lawyer, I'm gonna
make a fortune defending
my high school buddies.
Starting with you three.
How you doing, J.J. ?
- Your hair looked better long.
- I was thinking the same
about you.
I like it
the way it is.
Thank you.
See, Lukey ?
Things do change,
even for losers like us.
- I never called you a loser.
- That's okay.
You got your books,
your boats and your
Ivy pride, right ?
- Right on, McBride !
- We'll see you around, buddy.
McNamara, move this boat out
or you're disqualifiied.
Sorry, sir.
Sorry, I'm late, man.
It's all right.
As long as we're not
late at the finish line.
All hands on.
Ready, shove !
Hoo-rah !
Where did Mr. McNamara
learn to row ?
In local sewers, I imagine.
He's a townie.
Mother died in a car crash
when he was one.
Father, unknown.
Ready, row !
[Man] He won us
the lvy championship three years
in a row. That's a fact.
He's growing on me.
Is that right ?