We have a Mandrake
tradition. We hunt,
but we only eat
what we shoot.
So if we get skunked,
then we spend Thanksgiving
drinking brandy and starving...
in front of
a crackling fire.
But not to worry.
Caleb is a superb shot.
Listen, I would love to come.
And actually, where I come from
we have the same tradition.
It's just what we shoot,
we call pigeons.
Ames. Ames,
I'd like to introduce you
to Mr. Lucas McNamara.
Senator. It's a pleasure
to meet you.
Pleasure's mine, Lucas.
We've been waiting
for that law school
application of yours.
I'm on the
admissions committee.
Ames, you know that's
inappropriate to discuss
in front of a candidate.
You're right, Litten.
So, Caleb,
what are your plans ?
I'm just treading water,
waiting to see what happens.
Then your arms must
be getting tired.
They are, Dad.
'Cause you keep throwing me
into the deep end of the pool.
Excuse me.
I need a drink.
So, what do you think
of all this ?
Well, to be honest,
it's all a little bit
It was for me too.
We share similar
backgrounds, you and I,
and I hope, similar values,
which could put the society's
influence to better use.
Do you have any questions ?
[ Chuckles ]
Like for instance,
who pays for all this ?
Rule 46 in your book:
''Each member is required
to leave a percentage of
his estate to the Skulls.''
And-And the word ''war''
in the ritual room--
what exactly is
the significance ?
Those who wish to become
our leaders choose
the ordeal of war...
to prove themselves
worthy of the privilege.
What if we're at peace ?
There are always wars
to be fought, Luke.
You ever need anything,
even if it's just to shoot
the proverbial shit,
you call me.