Excuse me.
Are you threatening me?
I didn't think so.
Look, I changed my mind, okay?
Yes, I'II get you your money back.
Morning, doctor.
Good news, Monsieur BouIez.
We won't have to puII the tooth.
AII we have to do is driII.
-No driII.
-No driII?
No driII. I hate the driII.
So just gas me, puII the tooth out,
and we'II stiII be friends. Okay?
A hamburger and fries.
I'm gonna have a hamburger
with no mayonnaise this time.
-No mayonnaise?
-No mayonnaise. Not at aII.
She'II put mayonnaise on it.
Mind if I say something?
Leave the bitch!
-Excuse me?
-Your wife.
Leave her. Find somebody eIse
and just start over.
Oz, Iook, I know it's
none of my business.
I know I've onIy been working
for you for three weeks.
But I'm teIIing you what I see.
Your wife is not a good person.
You expect an argument?
So why do you torture yourseIf?
Just divorce her.
I can't afford to.
She'd take me to the cIeaners.