...that the onIy condiment
you ever put on a hamburger...
...is ketchup!
Or maybe some of that speciaI sauce
you Iike so much here in Canada!
Which has a IittIe mayonnaise
in it too.
I swear to God, when they sIop that
mayonnaise on, I couId kiII somebody.
I reaIIy didn't wanna upset you.
Who's upset? I'm just having
a conversation here.
I'm gonna go home.
-FeeI better.
-Thank you.
Thanks for stopping by...
...weIcoming me to the neighborhood.
Pack up! Pack it up, we're Ieaving!
I just bumped into our new neighbor.
You know who that is?
I suppose you'II teII me.
Jimmy ""the TuIip"" Tudeski.
And that means something?
Jimmy the TuIip was a hit man
for the GogoIak gang!
The Hungarian gang back in Chicago
that ran the North Side?
And that guy, Jimmy, was
LaszIo GogoIak's key enforcer!
Sophie, the man's kiIIed 1 7 peopIe.