I'm from Jersey.
New Jersey?
Yeah. New Jersey.
If you're from Jersey,
you're from Jersey.
Jersey's another pIace
I know absoIuteIy nothing about.
-You aIways this nervous?
Like everything eIse
that's wrong in my Iife...
...it aII started
with the IittIe missus.
Back home, her father and I
ran a dentaI practice together.
-You're a dentist?
-Afraid so.
You suicidaI?
Why wouId you say that?
I read that dentists
are prone to suicide.
Jimmy, I may hate my Iife,
but I certainIy don't wanna die.
Get used to it
because you're going to.
I'm gonna kiII you!
I'm gonna strangIe you!
Everybody dies.
Sooner or Iater. TuIip?
So you were saying
your father-in-Iaw....
WeII, ironicaIIy, he was a suicide.
Stats don't Iie.
He got caught moIesting a patient.
An underage patient.
An underage maIe patient.
PIease, stop.
I know.
So this kid starts to bIackmaiI him.
At the exact same time, the IRS decides
to investigate him for tax fraud.
So big Aaron needs money, and fast.
So he goes to a Ioan shark...
...takes out a Ioan against
our company...
...which I had no idea about...
-...then proceeds--
-To hit Vegas, AtIantic City, Reno.