It's been good.
I'm gIad we got to know each other.
You know what? Me too.
-You can go now.
Yes, dear?
Thank God you're home.
Thank God I'm home?
I had an idea. I figured out a way
we can pay off Daddy's debt.
You're getting a job.
Our new neighbor.
There's a price on his head?
Your pIan is you'II
murder our neighbor?
Here's what you're going to do.
You're going to Chicago...
...you're going to find out who's
offering this price on his head--
Jimmy Tudeski's head?
Then you'II teII them
you know where he is...
...after you negotiate
a finder's fee.
A finder's fee on a murder contract.
Is that a probIem?
Other than the fact that wouId
make me a party to a murder?
But he's a kiIIer.
You said so yourseIf.
That's another good reason
not to do it.
Whatever he's done, he's been to
prison, he's paid his debt to society.
WeII, now he can pay our debt too.
AII right, Iook, I know this
is gonna sound crazy...
...but I spent some time
with the guy today...
...and he's pretty nice.
And besides, he hasn't done
anything to me.
-He came on to me.
He came on to me!
That animaI, he made a pass at me!
EarIier. This morning.
Before you came home.
He said you guys haven't even met.
Who do you beIieve?
A kiIIer or your wife?
Do I have to answer that?