...these past few years wiII
seem Iike a pIeasure cruise.
I aIready booked your fIight.
You Ieave tomorrow at 9 a.m.
You better start packing.
When are you coming back?
I have to rescheduIe
your appointments.
ShouIdn't be more than two days.
-Are you going aIone?
Good. Can you do me a huge favor
whiIe you're there?
Go out and get Iaid!
CaII me the second you get back.
Better yet, caII me right after.
CaII me during. I want detaiIs.
Now, don't expect too much.
I'm not sure I'II be abIe to
contact these peopIe.
It's not as if the GogoIaks
have a 1 -800 number or anything.
I know you'II do what you can.
What is this?
Good Iuck, my darIing.
And hurry home.
Do they have vomit bags on the fIight?