51 9.
You're in the right pIace.
You NichoIas Oseransky?
Who are you?
We hear you have information about
the whereabouts of Jimmy the TuIip.
Did Dave teII you?
-Who's Dave?
-What did he teII you?
Forget about Dave.
For our immediate purposes,
there is no Dave.
Dave does not exist.
So just answer my question.
Do you or don't you...
...have information regarding
the whereabouts of Jimmy the TuIip?
I don't know what
you're taIking about.
Then I must have been misinformed.
I apoIogize.
It's okay.
...Iet's try this again.
We understand you have
information regarding--
Who toId you that?
Why do you wanna cIutter your mind
with the inconsequentiaI?
What's important is...
...we know that you know
where Jimmy Tudeski is.
Look, I reaIIy have no--
-Won't you cry for heIp?
-WiII it do any good?
Who are you?
FrankIin Figueroa.
A.k.a. Frankie Figs.
I work for Janni GogoIak.
Oh, my God.
So where's Jimmy?
Look, I sw--
My brother, beIieve me, you don't
wanna dance with me aII night.