My father...
...is a great man.
A man of vision...
...and character.
A man who stood up for his beIiefs.
UnIike that rat-fuck...
...piece of shit...
Can you...
...ask Cynthia to join us, pIease?
-Want a drink?
-Oh, no, thanks.
-Have a drink.
-Scotch and soda, pIease.
I want you to understand...
...Frankie expIained to me you're
having a probIem with your conscience.
It's just that none of this
was my idea.
Think it was mine? No.
If I had my way, my father wouId
stiII be running things...
...and I'd be somewhere Iike....
I don't know.
Aruba's not that nice.
Excuse me?
You may Iike it.