Yeah, I heard about that.
Have you seen Janni yet?
How'd you know?
I know about the whoIe thing, okay?
Don't worry.
I'II expIain everything to you
when you get back, okay?
In the meantime, have a good time
whiIe you're down there. Live it up.
We'II taIk when you get back.
If you say so, Jim--
You gonna invite me in, or do I go down
and teII Janni's guys you're impoIite?
Janni's guys are downstairs?
Yes, come in.
Love a man with manners.
Janni sent me to see
if you're on the IeveI.
Janni's the trusting type.
So do you or don't you?
Do I or don't I...?
IKnow where my wayward husband is.