The Whole Nine Yards

Mrs. Tudeski--
Cynthia. Why be formaI
with the woman you'II widow?

-You don't understand.
-What's not to understand?

You want your 30 pieces of siIver.
My question is, why didn't you
do the job yourseIf?

Why didn't I...?
Why didn't you kiII Jimmy
and coIIect on the contract?

Didn't you have the stomach for it?
Or is your probIem
a IittIe further south?

-Did you vomit recentIy?
-A minute ago.

-I was just gonna brush my teeth.
-I'II wait.

Mrs. Tudeski....
Cynthia, none of this was my idea.
You just happened to traveI 1 000 miIes
to rat Jimmy out to Janni.

That's what I'm trying to say!
It wasn't my idea. It was my wife's.

She wanted me to come to Chicago
and rat Jimmy out.

Maybe it wouId be best for everybody
if you went to Janni...

...and said that I'm crazy,
that I'm nuts.

I'm chemicaIIy imbaIanced.
I'm wacko!

Maybe that wouId be the best thing.
TeII him I'm acting the way
I'm acting right now.

But you do know where
Jimmy is, don't you?

Look, Mrs. Tudeski, I don't want
anybody to die.

That is on the IeveI.
What do you want?
What do I want?
I just want this aII to end.
