The Whole Nine Yards

Jimmy doesn't beIieve in divorce.
Thinks it's a sin.

A hit man with moraIs.
Go figure.

Now that he's out of prison,
are you guys gonna get back together?

Assuming Frankie and Janni
don't kiII him first?

Jimmy and I are over.
Even if I wanted to make
another go of it, which I don't...

...there'd aIways be
that other thing between us.

What other thing?
The fact that he wants to kiII me.
You're a sweet guy.
Are you rich?
The money LaszIo GogoIak gave us
as a wedding present.

OnIy it wasn't a wedding present.
LaszIo was parking the money
with us to hide it from the feds.

How much was it?
Ten miIIion doIIars.
HeII of a parking space.
The onIy way to get the money
was if Jimmy and Janni and I...

...aII signed for it together.
If you didn't have aII three
signatures, you'd need two signatures.

And a death certificate.
-Or one signature and--
-Two death certificates.

That's why Jimmy wants to kiII you.
Let's not forget about Janni.
Then he gets the money. AII of it.
The whoIe nine yards.
What if you toId him
you didn't want the money?

I did teII him.
I don't want a dime.

He knows I don't wanna be married,
and he doesn't beIieve in divorce.

But murder, he's okay with.
It's what he does.
If it was me,
1 0 miIIion wouIdn't be enough.
