But when I taIked to Jimmy...
...he didn't sound upset.
He wouIdn't. He'd be your best friend
right up untiI the moment he--
He's gonna kiII me, isn't he?
And when he's done with that,
he'II come after you.
I'm not gonna Iet Jimmy kiII you.
-I'm gonna take Frankie to Jimmy.
-So Frankie can kiII him.
If there was any other way....
But better Jimmy than you.
Don't you get it?
Either way, I'm dead.
Once Jimmy's dead,
why wouId Janni keep me aIive?
He'd kiII me too--
So he can coIIect on the whoIe
$1 0 miIIion.
I'm not gonna Iet that happen.
I swear, I am not gonna Iet
anybody kiII you.
Under the circumstances, that's the
most romantic thing I've ever heard.
You what?
You toId Jimmy?
What the heII did you do that for?
I feIt bad. I Iike him.
-I Iiked him.
-Not anymore?
It's hard to be friends
with somebody who wants to kiII you.
If you soId me out to Janni, then toId
me about it, I'd ice your ass too.