The Whole Nine Yards

No. I didn't take the contract.
-How much she offer you?
-Ten grand.

No wonder you turned her down.
But you did turn her down.
Even though I went to Janni?

You didn't go to Janni.
Jimmy sent me to come to you.

And I know that Frankie
can be very persuasive.

-By the way, how's your urination?
-Fine. Thank you.

So why did you want me
to go see Janni?

So you couId teII him where I was.
So he'd come here,
and you'd kiII him?

By the way, I'd be happy
to do your wife for you.

-Do my wife?
-Tap her.

-Whack her.
-Whack her?

Oh, see, I thought you meant,
you know....

Because she toId me that you,
you know, hit on her.

That's funny.
Why is that funny?
I wasn't gonna teII you this...
...but the truth is,
your wife came on to me.

We're friends.
Friends do not engage in sexuaI
congress with each other's wives.

...I don't find your wife
particuIarIy attractive.

You just got out of prison.
You've been in prison for five years,
and you don't find her attractive?

She's not a good person.
You've kiIIed 1 7 peopIe, and you
don't think my wife is a good person?
