I am your friend. TaIk to me.
I have to taIk to somebody
because I'm gonna--
Take your time.
That's good.
First of aII, I just found out
my wife is trying to have me kiIIed.
-Who toId you?
-A friend.
-Anyone I know?
-He's my next-door neighbor.
And here's the funny part.
He's a hit man too.
ReaIIy? What's his name?
Jimmy. Jimmy Tudeski.
Jimmy the TuIip?
Jimmy the TuIip Iives next to you?
And you know him?
Can you introduce me to him?
He's a professionaI kiIIer.
You don't understand.
I've wanted to meet him for years.
PIease? Come on!
Quick, come on!
-What's this?
-I don't know.
It is you.
Mr. Tudeski, you don't understand.
I'm one of your biggest fans.
I foIIowed your career
since I was a kid.
You're why I'm trying
to get into the business.
What business wouId that be?
Contract kiIIing.
It's what I wanna do.
If I couId have one afternoon,
I know I couId Iearn so much from you.
So come in.
You too.