Thirteen Days

Mr. President, our deliberations
have led us to the conclusion

that a blockade of offensive weapons
to Cuba is our best option

A strong showing of support from
the Organization of American States

would give us
an umbrella of legitimacy

A blockade
is technically an act of war

Therefore we recommend
calling the action a quarantine

Let's hope that translates
into Russian the way we want it to

There are between 20...
and 30 Soviet ships
underway to cuba at this time

800 miles out
the navy will stop them
and any vessels containing weapons
will be turned back

A quarantine prevents
any more missiles from reaching Cuba

but it doesn't remove
the missiles already there

It gives the Soviets a chance
to pull back without a war

If they refuse to remove the missiles
we retain the option
to strike and invade

A sneak attack is counter to
what the United States stands for

It leaves us no room for maneuver
And the inevitable Soviet response
would force us into a war

Mr. President
there are still those of us

who believe
we should proceed with the strikes

With the blockade
we lose strategic surprise

and we also run the risk of the Soviets
launching the first strike against us

if they decide they have to
use the missiles or lose them

So quarantine...
or air strike
There is a third option
With either course we undertake
the risk of nuclear war

So maybe one of us in this room
should be a coward

So I guess I'll be
A third course is to strike a deal
We trade Guantanamo
and our missiles in Turkey

get them to pull their missiles out
We employ a back channel
We attribute the idea to U. N. Thant
