Thirteen Days

I'm not taking that biat
The right move here is to move on
This is United States Destroyer
Joseph P. Kennedy!

This is point
at which we are concemed...

that there might be shooting
among the ships at sea

with the possibility that invasion
might have to be undertaken

to assure that
those bases are eliminated

If invasion is undertaken
the Russians have said

that they would
retaliate with rocket fire

We have said
if there's rocket fire from Cuba

we will retaliate
And there goes the whole ballgame

What's this?
Can anyone just walk in here now?
Ken, don't worry
I'm not here to do an interview

If you're looking for a cup of sugar
John, you got the wrong door

we need to see the President
Something's happened
I have lunch with him
Maybe once a month

Way the talks, he acts like
he knows Kruschev personally

but he's never elaborated
I've used him as a source
in a couple of stories

The FBI has identified
this Alexander Fomin as the...

Soviet Rezident, the KGB equivalent
of one of our station chiefs

He's their highest ranking spy
in this country

And he knows John's a friend of mine
All the trademarks of
a back-channel overture

Yeah. Some back channel
ABC News guy
My goddamn next-door neighbor

So they'll remove the missiles
And we'll pledge not to
invade Cuba or de-stabilize Castro

or assist anyone who plans on doing so
I think this may be
our first real message from Kruschev

The alternative, Mr. President
is that is this could be a trap
And how is that exactly?
Dangle a settlement
tie us down in negotiations
we come up short
