Thirteen Days

I don't care if this administration
ends up in the freaking toilet

We don't do a deal tonight
there won't be any administration

It's the wrong move, Bobby
and it's not just me who thinks that

Everyone on this so-called EXCOM's
telling you the same thing

Whose side are you on now, Ken?
Oh, goddammit
What if there
hasn't been a coup at all?

What if it's you two?
What is that supposed to mean?
What if it was you two
who invited that second letter by
raising the possibility of a trade?

Mr. President
we have only 30 hours left

and whatever response we send
it'll take several hours
to reach our embassy

and be delievered to the Kremlin
So early tomorrow morning
is the earliest

Kruschev could respond
Which one of you geniuses
is gonna tell me how to

explain it to the world
if we don't make this trade?

So what are we gonna say
to the Soviets

about this offer?
Well, it depends, doesn't it?
Do we really believe
there's been a coup?

What if Fomin wasn't a ploy?
What if his message was real?
What if what is happening
is a series of accidents?

Accidents like them
shooting down our U-2?

Yes. Accidents like that
And the accidents are making the
second letter seem more aggressive

and the whole situation
appear worse than it really is

"The Gun of August"
That's right
So we just reject the second letter?
We don't...
reject it
We accept the first letter
and pretend
the second one doesn't exist

It won't work
because that's wishful thinking

Look, he made an offer. So I...
The same wishful thinking, Bobby
that blinded us all these months

while the Soviets were sneaking
those missiles in under our noses
