Thirteen Days

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson
I was deeply shocked
when advised your son was lost

in an operational mission on Saturday
October 27th, 1962
Your son rendered distinguished
and dedicated service to his country

throughout his career
He was admired
and respected for his courage
and his professional skill
by all with whom he served

His tragic loss will be deeply felt
and a grateful nation
will be forever in his debt

Ken! We're out here
What kind of a peace do we seek?
I am talking about genuine peace
The kind of peace that
makes life on earth worth living

Not merely peace in our time
but peace in all time
Our problems are man-made
therefor they can be solved by man
For in the final analysis
our most basic common link
is that we all
inhabit this small planet

We all breathe the same air
We all cherish our children's futures
