Thirteen Days

Call me Irish, but I don't
believe in cooler heads prevailing

You know, they think I froze in there
You didn't freeze
You did exactly
what you should have done

you stayed out of the corner
You didn't decide
Acheson's scenario is just...
And he's got more experience
than anyone

There's no expert on the subject
There's no wise old man
Shit, there's just us
Acheson's right
Talk alone is not gonna
accomplish anything

Well, let's bomb the shit out of them
Everybody wants to
Even you
Even me
Right? It sure would feel good
I'm as conniving as they come
but a sneak attack is just wrong
Things are happening too fast
This is starting to smell like
the Bay of Pigs all over again

listening to Taylor and Acheson

I kept seeing Lemnitzer and Dulles
telling me all I had to do was
sign on the dotted line

And that the invasion would succeed
and Castro...
and Castro would be gone
Easy, just like that
There's something...
immoral about
abandoning your own judgment

We just can't let this get out of hand
And we'll do whatever we have to do
to make this come out right
I'm gonna stay here tomorrow
You can't
We talked about this. Your schedule?
Best thing you can do tomorrow
is go to Connecticut

He's right
