Thirteen Days

Jesus Christ. They're killing us
... and enter into negotiations...
in order to normalize
this confrontation

and avert the threat of a world war
What is that Sun Tzu says?
"War is a moral contest
and they're won in the temples
before they're ever fought. "

This enormous danger for all mankind...
which exists at this moment...
It's right here
This is where we turn it around
You all Adlai. You tell him
to stick it to this son of a bitch!

The U. S. believes that
with their economic boycott

by pressuring other countries
to cease trade with Cuba

we would surrender due to hunger
How does it feel, Mr. President,
to be this heroic...
and force a country
to surrender due to...

Am I still on hold?
They're trying to find him right now
Adlai's too weak!
We have to convince Jack to pull him
Get McCloy in there

You can't talk him out this
late in the game, bobby

Zorin will eat him alive
Then talk to your brother, goddammit!
The two of you don't need my advice
to get into trouble

What's gotten into you?
Are you still sore
about this Lippman thing?

That's something
your father would have done

My father?
I'm just trying to make a pint
This idea is that fucking bad
Adlai can handle Zorin
He knows the inning and the score

He's better
Because nobody believes
he's up to this

It's Ken. How are you doing?
I'm busy, Ken
What do you need?
