Thirteen Days

The President told me
to pass the word to you

stick it to them
I hear you
I'm glad it's you calling
I thought it would be Bobby
Adlai, the world has to know
we're right

If we're gonna have a chance
at a political solution

we're gonna need
international pressure

You gotta be tough, Adlai
You need to find it, Buddy
If they're still sticking
to their stonewalling strategy

I'll get them
I'm an old political cat, Kenny
But I've got onw life left
I know you do
See you, Ken
we call upon the world
to condemn this purely
American provocation

We, the people of Romania
stand in solidarity with
the people of the Republic of Cuba

and their revolution in the face of
the American threat to world peace

Thank you, Mr. Chairman
We're very glad that
you could join us, Mr. Stevenson

For the last two hours
the entire world here
is asking only questions

The United States
is pushing the entire world

to the brink of catastrophe
People of the whole world
want to know why

We are told again and again about some
