Thomas est amoureux

You haven't been outside in ten years?
- Eight years.

You never go out?
- No. Never.

Don't you want to sometimes?
- Not at all.

Why not?
I panic.
- You're afraid?

You could say that.
Besides. I have nothing to do outside.

You like to go out?
- Sure.

To do what?
- Lots of things.

Have a drink with friends.
walk with the kids.

Not me.
Sorry for asking all these questions.
It's really none of my business.

Do you want to know something else?
- No.

Seriously. How do you do it?
Stay in your apartment all day?

I keep busy with sports.
3D multimedia...

I have a hydroponic greenhouse.
and a giant aquarium.

I have a passion for fish.
All that must be expensive.
- Yes. Rather expensive.

I used to conceive tridimensional circuits.
I earned quite a bit doing that.
So when my handicap became unbearable.
I was declared disabled

and gave all my money
to an insurance company.

- That's right.

And I had this apartment built.
I see.
Well. I'm going to have to go.
Thanks for answering my questions.
It's unhealthy curiosity. But...

No. It's normal to ask questions.
I was happy to talk about it.
That's great then.
Well. Good luck.
- Thanks.

- Goodbye.

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