All kinds of carrying on
going up here and....
-When would that have been, Carter?
-Let me see. I got that here somewhere.
Three hours ago, sir.
Get this, the old lady across the street said
she saw a masked man fleeing the scene.
Said it looked like a ninja.
Jesus H!
Would you look at this?
Multiple gunshots are one thing, but this....
By the way this was done,
this had to be personal.
Look at the patience he took in doing this.
Like he was carving a frigging turkey.
Hey, Rodgers, get in here.
You go. I'll take care of this.
All right, Carter. What do you have?
Miss, are you all right?
How many fingers do you see?
Miss, I have a dead body in the other room
and no explanation.
Dead body.
Now, I need to ask this woman
a few questions.
-Come with me, miss.
-Where are we going?
Down to the station.
To answer some questions.
No. Where's my husband?
Your husband is dead, ma'am.
Calm down. It's going to be okay.
Carter, take her to the squad car.
Leave me alone!
-Please, calm down.