
Heart's in the right place.
just need to give it
some time.

Yeah, I heard
about what happened to you.

That's one of the advantages
of bein' seen and...
not bein' seen.

You'd be surprised
some of the shit
we mess-doers hear.

Boy, don't go droppin'
my eggs.

Excuse me, Mr. Tyler.

Look, all you gotta do
is pick 'em up with both hands,
boy, both hands!

When the hell were you
gonna tell me?
I hear this from the chief.

What do you want me to say?
He shit-canned me.

Now you're gonna transfer
to another boat.

Excuse me. Can either one
of you two tell me where I can
find the exec of this thing?

Yeah, that's me, mac.
Move your truck.
We'll unload shortly.

You'll unload it now.
Here's the manifest.

Get those crates
below decks.
Who the hell are you?

Marine Major Coonan,
Office of Naval intelligence.
I'm goin' to sea with you boys.

That's my luggage.
You got a problem,
talk to Mr. Hirsch.

Cast off all lines forward!

Cast off forward!
Take in all lines aft.

Cast off aft!
Rudder amidships,
all ahead one-third.

All ahead one-third!
