
- Chief, you find those vents?
- Everything's in German!

Rabbit, get to the torpedo room.
Where's the goddamn 1 MC?
Trigger, get on the helm!

Mazzola, take the planes!
Aye, sir.

Wentz, what about these?
I don't know.

There's no label!
Okay, those are the aft
ballast tanks vents!

These are the midship vents,
and these are the main
induction valves.

Make sure they're shut.
Tank, I need speed!

Get the screws turning.
The lights are on, so there's
got to be some power left.
I can't read this!

Rabbit, find out how many fish
we've got in the tubes!
Figure out how to launch 'em!

I can't read this!

Go help Tank, Hirsch.
Go, Hirsch!
Find the Christmas tree.

We've gotta Make sure we don't
have any holes in the boat!

"Klar, klar, klar. "
Wentz, what the hell is "klar"?

"Klar" means "clear."
All compartments secure.

White for green? No holes
in the ship! Dive the boat!
White for green.

Opening ballast vents!
Opening midship valves!

Opening midship vents!
This is forward trim, aft trim.
These are auxiliaries.

Main motor.
Auxiliary, auxiliary.

This is in meters.
Everything's in meters.
