
You could've done
one of 10,000 things.

But in the end,
you chose to protect people.

You made that decision,
and I find that...

very, very interesting.
Now all I need is
your credit card number.

That last part was a joke.
- You're a big sports fan, are you?
- It's starting to intrigue me.

It gets heaviest
ten minutes before kickoff.

Programme here.

Programme. Programme here.
- Rich, why don't we pat down?
- Right.

-Just give me a minute.
- Is there a problem?

I'm sorry.
I'm gonna have to search you.

- It's nothing personal.
- The tall guy in the camouflage jacket.

Sometimes people carry weapons in here,
and they drink too much.

If the team's not doing good,
bad things can happen.

We do pat-downs of the crowd
to discourage people from carrying.

If he's carrying,
he'll step out of line.

Yeah, step right up here.
Okay. I got you a seat up
in the yellow section.

It's in the nosebleeds,
but at least you won't get spit on.

- All right.
- How'd you know that guy you bumped...

was carrying a weapon?
