Under Suspicion

I wasn't thinking.
I just ran home.

Or maybe you thought,
''I'd better wash up first.''

I don't like your tone.
And frankly, I'm beginning to find
yours more and more interesting.

What are you recording?
Do you have any idea
why you're still here?

Maybe you should call
a lawyer down here.

I am a fucking lawyer!
This is January 7, 8:06 P.M.
San Juan Police Headquarters.
I'm Captain Benezet.

With me is Detective Owens.
We're talking
to Mr. Henry Hearst.

Do you have your permission
to tape this interview, Henry?

Why not?
I have nothing to hide.

Thank you.
Now, then--your name, age,
profession and marital status.

Come on.
Name, age, profession
and marital status, please.

You just said my name.
Fine. Whatever.

Hearst. Henry Buchanan Hearst.
I'm 57.

Your house is called ''The Ilado''
up on Old San Juan Hill...

and you're an attorney?
Yes. Senior partner with Hearst,
Dean and Dumet right here in town.

You must have a lot of fancy computers
up there in that office.

You ever surf the Net? Check out
the chat rooms and the websites?

I don't know about chat rooms,
but sure.

What does this have
to do with anything?

Any other hobbies?
Computers are not my hobby.
Photography is.

I have my own darkroom.
I enjoy chronicling
the island's history.

- And you're married.
- Yes.

- Ten years now.
- And no children.

Yes. And no children.
Why not?
Chantal won't--
Chantal can't have children.

She can't, or she won't?
She has a fertility problem.
What difference does it make?

You ever hear of adopting?
You walk somebody else's dog.

That's true tact.
That's very elegant.

Do you think that's elegant?
This is what I think.
I remember that
you couldn't afford law school.
