Under Suspicion

I remember you waiting on tables.
We'd swagger in, drunk...

trotting along hot-looking dolls,
spending money you know we didn't earn.

I think the matter at hand is payback.
That's what I think.

When Detective Owens arrived
at your house at 6:54 P.M. yesterday...

he noted that you were not
wearing jogging clothes.

- I showered.
- Before you called?

Of course not.
l called as soon as l came home.
911. What is your emergency?
I want to report a dead body.
Officers also noted that your wife
had not yet been told about the girl.

She was in the bedroom.
It says here you called
from the bedroom.

You had to lie down.
You were distraught.

- We'd had an argument.
- When you got home?

No, earlier. Please don't
go into this now, Victor.

- It's none of your business!
- Damn it, Henry!

Chantal was in the bedroom. She was not.
The dog was with you. The dog was not.

Tell me one thing that adds up...
so we can go across the street
and have a good time.

It's a pity that you've never been
to our home. Then you'd understand.

But I was.
I was there.
Downstairs there's that--

- Upstairs it gets instructive.
- There's nothing real special about it.

Mr. Hearst didn't say ''special.''
