Vertical Limit

Ed Viesturs.
It's an honor to meet you.

-Elliot Vaughn.
-Nice to meet you.

This guy has been up Everest five times.
He's climbed 12 of the world's
14 highest peaks.

All without oxygen.
Rock on. By comparison, all of us
are merely amateurs.

-It's a real honor, Ed.
-Welcome to base camp.

Thank you.
Outdoors magazine wants
to interview you.

"Bankruptcy at High Altitude."
How much can we--
I could go and come back, or....
Looking for Skip?
Try the command tent.
I'm Peter Garrett.
-Good to meet you.
-Good to meet you.

I got your message.
Bad luck about your porter.

I've got four you can meet tomorrow.
Supplies you need are no problem.

The Swedish hooker's taking longer
than I thought.

There's no shortage of entertainment.
You saw Mr. Vaughn fly in?

He's hard to miss. What's this
about his climbing to a deadline?

-Friend of yours?
-My sister's climbing with him.

Annie Garrett.
Vaughn's got this publicity stunt
for his new airline, Majestic Air.

He stands on the top of K2 waving
as the inaugural flight goes overhead.

Are you serious?
I'm deadly serious.
Your sister's safe. No one knows
these hills better than Tommy McLaren.
