Vertical Limit

To the other teams climbing,
I'd like to say be safe...

...and good luck.
Kick up your heels
and enjoy the barbecue!

What about the weather, Mr. Vaughn?
We hope for the best.
You know something we don't?

The weather closes in
and people die up there.

Or don't you have to worry about that?
Anybody who doesn't worry
about that is a fool.

Brian Maki did a high-atmosphere
analysis of the last 4 decades.

Most years there's a 9-to-12-day lull
before the fall storms.

On August 2nd, we calculate
an 82% chance of fine weather.

Give me odds like that
in the oil business, I'd be rich.

Who's the leader, Mr. Vaughn?
Who makes decisions that mean
other people live or die?

Who plays God, so to speak?
There can be only one leader.
It's always the best climber.

I've made it clear to everyone
that Tom McLaren is that man.

Even the Pakistanis agree.
They're giving you a 21-gun salute.

Okay, let's party!
Thanks for that, Elliot.
You climb as good as you talk,
we'll get you there.
