My brother's got explosives.
They're gonna blast their way down.
Blast their way down.
How are they gonna find us?
We might as well be on Mars.
It's not a question of how,
it's how long.
It's time that's gonna kill us.
We have to lay down a schedule.
A regimen we all adhere to.
Edema sets in
if we don't keep drinking.
Now, I figure, three water bottles...
...that's half a cup each,
every 2 hours.
After that, fuel cells to melt ice,
and finally...
...we use the dex syringes.
Chances are we're all gonna get
pretty sick...
...but if we keep to the schedule,
keep to it...
...maybe we can hold out.
Annie, we need to give them the grid
reference for our last known position.
She says they were about 300 feet
above the Anvil, heading down east.
The shoulder ice field.
I checked their manifest.
This is what they have.
We leave at dawn.
They got 22 hours if they're lucky.
How high can we chopper in?
Rasul says 21,000.
Any higher, the air's too thin.
He drops us.
How fast can we get there?
Negrotto Col's the only place we can
land. From there, 27 hours.
Five hours short.
We need Montgomery Wick. He's the
only man who's done it faster.
Will he do it?
Four years ago, a big storm blows
an American team off the hill.
There's nine up there, including
his wife. She was a guide.